How to leverage the flexibility and extensibility of JIRA
JIRA is becoming a household name among software developers considering the fact that it was implemented by tens of thousands of companies in the past few years and it is currently used by millions of employees around the world.
This bug tracking system is climbing the charts as we speak for the simple reason that it allows users to prioritize, assign, report, track and audit defects seamlessly.
As a result, it helps companies improve their overall productivity and the quality of their work by eliminating waste, ensuring good coordination between employees and recording tasks in detail from finish to start.
What makes JIRA even more enticing compared to other similar systems is the fact that it acts like an extensible platform.
Therefore, users can customize it to meet their specific needs and match their business processes.
However, while JIRA is excellent for
bugs and change request tracking, it does not cover all the QA needs of a company and here we refer to test case management needs.
There is a high demand for test case management system integration with JIRA in order to leverage the flexibility and extensibility of the software.
Using JIRA to track issues and managing tests in Excel?
Currently, a great number of companies create and manage test cases with JIRA and Excel, a combination that is bound to give poor results.
Any reputable company, small or medium, requires reasonably
efficient test case management tools to connect tests and test results to issues in JIRA and unfortunately Excel spreadsheets simply do not cut it.
You can use the bug tracking system to manage test cases after serious customization, but there is a limit to its functionality.
As mentioned above, this bug tracking system is unique in its ability to match business needs with the help of plugins.
However, integration is preferable to plugins, as it enables a timely and bidirectional interaction between test management and bug tracking capacities.
There is no chance for the QA team and testers to get a clear overview of what has been tested, what has failed, what needs to be tested and what needs to be retested without an additional specialized tool.
InformUp supplies test case management for JIRA that tightly integrates your test cases with JIRA issues.
Using this innovative solution will also allow you to link test cases to requirements in JIRA.
The consistent interface and salient features of the TestUp management tool makes it the perfect choice for companies that are already using this popular bug tracking system.
What are the advantages of integration over plugin?
Using a plugin for JIRA could drive value in your entire project, but integration outperforms this solution.
Test case management system integration with JIRA achieves contextual linking of test cases to defects.
Capturing test cases, steps, suites and platforms inside JIRA will improve the efficiency of testing by eliminating waste such as reworking.
Plugins have limitations and incomplete test coverage that allows random creation of test cases, problem that is easily solved through integration.
What is more, a seamless integration will also ensure improved import capabilities, simplified processes, improved versatility and flexibility, automated and less error prone processes, not to mention relevant overview of test case data.
If you wish to use JIRA as a single tool to create, execute test cases and bug management recommendations,
we recommend getting a test case management system that integrates well with JIRA like
TestUp by doing this, rest assured your organization is going to get better results.
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