Powerful test case management is a critical piece of creating excellent programming and fittings items.
Through well-designed testing methods, teams can guarantee that they are delivering the best items while taking advantage their restricted assets.
The need to inspect programming items has brought the requirement for a smart and reliable test case management software across every task.
As intricacy grows up and as groups becoming to be crosswise the planet, a powerful test management tool is an essential thing in order to achieve to the company goals.
TestUp the test management tool of InformUp is comprehensive web-based test management software that enables you to manage, organize, creating and executing test cases and test's steps as well as managing regression and sanity sets.
Using the Test Management Tool of InformUp.com would assist you in evaluating whether the program meets the requirements for which it is being designed. The QA team executing the test cases can manage its work load by assigning specific test sets to a specific QA Tester.
Workflow capabilities enable test cases management for reviewing progress and completion of the software testing phase. Failed/ Passed results appear on-screen for every requirement, in a clear cut manner, allowing a quick review per every test made
You can have our test case management tool in two ways:
InformUp's Hosted Solution
(software as a service aka SaaS or software on demand)
Standalone Application
(Installed on your own servers)
Do you have any dilemma about which one of them is the best for your company?
Please contact us and our support team will be more than happy to assist you and fits the best solution for your situation.